
Cult of the Deep

Created by B.A. Games

4-8 player hidden role dice game where you are a cultist, establishing your faction's rise to power. Fight over rituals and mythical monsters as you seek victory and control of the cult.

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Reviewers shouldn't have all the fun!
about 2 years ago – Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 01:30:31 AM

TLDR: At the bottom

Thank You and Preview Copies

First, 'tis the season of giving and saying thanks. We here at B.A. Games would like to once again say thank you to all of our backers. Without all of you, Cult of the Deep never would have happened and Forges of Ravenshire (our next game) would not be coming to Kickstarter. THANK YOU!

Now, onto the subject at hand. We recently had a discussion and were wondering why it seems that only reviewers get preview copies of games, and there are some valid reasons for this. 

- Games are not always finished. They are often roughly 70 to 90 percent done when coming to Kickstarter. 

- Art is not always finished and art pieces will often be used repetitively in the preview version and on the Kickstarter page.

- Preview copies are quite expensive to produce if you want a quality similar to the end product.

- It takes some money to move copies around. 

- There are multiple other reasons as well.

Why Should Reviewers Get All The Fun!?

However, like we said, we wouldn't have been able to complete Cult of the Deep without you wonderful people. We wouldn't be getting ready to launch our 2nd Kickstarter, Forges of Ravenshire. So, it's time that reviewers stop being the ones hogging all the fun.

We would like to provide an opportunity to backers to see a preview copy of the game in person instead of a virtual arena (Tabletop Simulator and other potentially other platforms). We have decided to offer this opportunity with the following understanding:

1. You must have backed Cult of the Deep or been a member of the B.A. Games community.

2. The traveling copy will start traveling sometime in late January to February timeframe and will continue through the Kickstarter in April.

3. Forges of Ravenshire is considered 95% done. This means that there may still be a few tweaks and changes to come. When playing, reviewing the game, etc. keep this in mind. 

4. The traveling copy will be with you a specified period of time. Please abide by it, if you do not you are robbing time from someone down the road.

5. The preview copy is very expensive so please treat with care. You will likely not be the first to handle the copy or the last.

6. We will be asking you to share the game with friends, family, gaming groups, your local game store/cafe, social media, or basically anywhere you normally play games. We are not asking you to go to places you don't normally go, or hold events, but hey, we won't stop you!

7. We would love your thoughts and communication on the game. Reach out! 

8. We are not looking for reviewers for this particular copy. If you are a reviewer contact: [email protected].

So, how do you sign up?

You sign up by sending me an email: [email protected]

I ask that you send me where you are located. What time you would prefer to have the game, especially if you plan on attending some sort of event where you would like to showcase the game. Also, feel free to send me any other information that you would like. 

What is Forges of Ravenshire?

Forges of Ravenshire is a 1-4 player dice worker placement game where you and your fellow Blacksmiths of Ravenshire are in need of a new Forgemaster to lead the guild. So, you have decided to have a competition over the course of a year (4 rounds) where you will compete to see who can make the most money and earn the title of Forgemaster.

Played over 4 seasons or rounds, each season starts with the gathering phase where players will acquire contracts, recruit guild members, and gather resources. Players roll their dice workers and place one of them on an available location to gather resources. Then retrieve a different dice worker to gather even more resources. However, the various workers are from different guilds and when retrieved will activate the guilds you have invested in. All players will take turns placing one of their workers and retrieving another worker 3 times.

After the gathering phase is the production phase. Take those 3 dice workers you have taken and now place them on different areas of your forge to gather more resources, make charcoal or steel, and forge contracts to make money.

At the end of every season, check to see if any special titles have been earned. Titles bring prestige and hard-earned money.

Finally, roll your 3 dice workers again and prepare the town of Ravenshire for the next season.

Current Prototype for Forges of Ravenshire, Preview Copy will be higher quality than this.



TLDR: Send [email protected] an email to play a preview a copy of Forges of Ravenshire. See above for Details.

If you have any questions, let us know below or via email.

From B.A. Games, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy Holidays!

B.A. Games will be at PAX Unplugged!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 01:31:20 PM

Hello fellow cultists!

We will be at PAX Unplugged this weekend at booth #3155. We will be sharing a space with a great supporter of ours, Giga Mech Games! 

Please come on by and say hi. We will be on hand to answer any questions you may have and would love to meet you in person and give you a big thank you for supporting us. 

B.A. Games at Booth #3155 Giga Mech Games!

New Project, Gen Con, and come play at Gen Con
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 29, 2022 at 03:42:01 PM

TLDR at bottom

First, there are a couple of individuals who have not received their game, and this is due to the fact that we have not been able to get a hold of you. We have tried and we need you to contact us. If you have not received your game, please email [email protected]

Second, we are announcing our next project, Forges of Ravenshire

You are running a smithy in the town of Ravenshire competing to see who can make the most money. The winner earns the respect of their peers and the title of Forgemaster.

Played over 4 rounds, you’ll start with the gathering phase where players acquire contracts, recruit guild members, and gather resources. Players place dice workers on locations to gather resources, then take a different worker to gather more resources. However, the workers are from different guilds and when taken will activate their guild’s abilities.

Next is the production phase. Place your dice workers in different areas of your forge to gather more resources, make charcoal or steel, and make exquisite items to make money and increase your reputation.

After 4 rounds, whoever has the most money earns the title of Forgemaster!

The notify me page is live and is located here.

Besides the badger and title above, there is some more imagery for the Player Boards and Main Board (works in progress, not finalized) located here.

Third, Gen Con!! We will be at Gen Con, located at Booth #267. We love meeting and talking to backers. Please stop by and say hi. We also plan on holding a smaller offsite event at our hotel. See the link here for details. Please let us know if you will be stopping by at the offsite event by emailing [email protected] or letting us know through the link provided.

TLDR: No game? contact [email protected],  New Project Notify Me, Stop by our Gen Con booth #267.

over 2 years ago – Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 10:42:44 PM

TLDR: at bottom


We have shipped and fulfilled to all backers worldwide. If you have not received your game, please reach out (specifically to [email protected]). We will make sure we track down what happened and get Cult of the Deep in your hands.

Wooden boxes are in their final stages. These were actually ready to ship on the 11th of July but an error was discovered on the manufacture side of the house. So, luckily for everyone involved, it was discovered before these shipped. I have been assured that they should be finished and ship by the end of the week (fingers crossed). Once these ship, I will be sending emails out to all backers who ordered wooden boxes.

We wanted to share a video a backer recorded. It is a video play through, and they have uploaded it to YouTube. You can see the video below.

What can you do to further support B.A. Games?

One of the reasons we were excited to use crowdfunding to produce Cult of the Deep and start B.A. Games as a company was the community of backers. For us, crowdfunding isn't just about receiving some money and returning a product. It is about what we can all do together and how we can help each other with a hobby we all love. So, we are going to mention a few things below that will allow us some input/feedback from you all and, if you are so inclined, a few things you all can do to help us out. 

First - We never sent out pledge Surveys from Kickstarter. We are going to be utilizing that now that the campaign is over to get feedback from our backers. This is your opportunity to let us know what you thought of the campaign, pledge management, order fulfillment, and the game itself. We want to hear from you, especially since you all made this possible. 

Second - Spread the word about Cult of the Deep. Stop by your friendly game store and show off your copy. Encourage them to stock the game. Setup a Cult of the Deep play night at your local game store or any local board game convention you are attending. Spread the word, post and rate online to any sites or platforms you regularly visit. Follow our socials, take a picture and tag @bagamesco in your posts. At the end of the day anything you can and want to do to talk about the game helps us.

What does the future hold for B.A. Games?

We have a few projects in the works. If you are in our Discord or Facebook group, you probably already know what is coming next.  We will officially announce the project here in an upcoming update when there is a Notify Me page for the project. 

In the meantime, you can sign up for our newsletter (sign-up in the top right corner).

TLDR: Cult of the Deep is fulfilled, Wooden boxes ship end of week, Expect a KS survey asking for feedback, Ask others to join a cult, Expect news on the next project soon

Quick Fulfillment and Wooden Box Update
over 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 12:42:01 AM

TLDR: at bottom

Fulfillment - We just received word that all U.S. orders have been shipped. This means that Fulfillment is now shipped/completed in the following areas: Australia, New Zealand, EU, UK, and U.S.  This leave Canada and the Rest of the World being shipped as we speak.

Once Fulfillment is completely done, we will let everyone know. So, if you are in an area where all items have been shipped, and have not received some kind of notification, please double check email and spam folders to make sure you received a notification.

If you have any problems or questions, please reach out to [email protected]

We will do our best to answer questions from all sources, but it will help us out and expedite the process if we can funnel it all to The Duke. So, for quickest response and sorting of any issues, please send an e-mail to [email protected]

Wooden Boxes - The order has been placed with Wood Chuck. We are now in line for production. I am currently being told that boxes should be done and shipped out around Mid-July.  When I get notified that everything is produced and ready for shipping, I will send word here.

Video - As promised we will begin posting videos. Here is the first. This was done for us by a Backer who goes by the name "I AM GLORY." He is a super awesome guy who has been a tremendous support. Can't wait to meet him one day. Here is the link to a video he did on the Herald of the Deep Pledge.

Thanks - Once again thanks for all the support and patience. If you would like to make a video, record a playthrough with your group, and would like it posted on our Channel let us know.  As we wrap up fulfillment, we can't wait to share with all of you what is coming next with B.A. Games. So, be on the lookout.

TLDR: Fulfillment almost done. Wooden boxes complete and ship mid-July. Make a video and we can put it on our channel. Be on the lookout for what's next.