
Cult of the Deep

Created by B.A. Games

4-8 player hidden role dice game where you are a cultist, establishing your faction's rise to power. Fight over rituals and mythical monsters as you seek victory and control of the cult.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Wooden Boxes Charge Tomorrow, Fulfillment Update, and Videos
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Jun 17, 2022 at 08:31:28 AM

TLDR at bottom

US WOODEN BOXES:  We met the goals for wooden boxes. I am a little behind due to coming back from Origins, but all orders should now reflect the correct amount for shipping. Shipping came out to 31 dollars a box, but I told you all 30 so I put thirty as the charge amount. So, if you are in the U.S. your total amount will be $145. I plan on charging cards tomorrow. Contact me ([email protected]) if that will be an issue.

INTERNATIONAL WOODEN BOXES:  We had a few international backers reach out about shipping prices. I am sorry that we could not do better on shipping and that the shipping quotes were quite high. I looked into combining shipments and then redistributing, working with another company local to EU, and I could not get the price down in any significant amount with only a handful of orders. However, there were still a few members who wanted the box despite higher shipping prices. I'll be honest our hats are off to you in gratitude. I am sending you each an email with what shipping is to make sure we are all on the same page. I will not be charging international backers until I receive an email confirmation back that shipping prices are understood. If you are an international backer, please check your email and spam folder and reply as soon as possible.

FULFILLMENT UPDATE:  Fulfillment is in process and nearing completion. Australia is done. The EU has a handful still in transit/waiting to be picked up. I am still waiting to hear back from the U.S. Warehouse to see our status. Once we are complete there will be another update.

Videos Coming Soon: We have been recuperating from a great week at Origins, but we wanted to let you know, next week we will be releasing a couple of videos. One will be about how to store your deluxe components in the box, a Herald of the Deep backer showcasing that pledge level, and one more about B.A. Games, what B.A. represents, and a little about us.

THANKS: We just want to say thank you and the overwhelming positive response has been amazing and we are truly grateful to have you all as friends. So spread the word, show your friends, bully your local game store to carry it, post on forums and websites, post reviews and ratings, and most importantly, find a group of fellow gamers and play a game.

TLDR: Wooden boxes charge tomorrow. Won't charge international backers until an email response. Fulfillment is almost done. Spread the Cult and play games. Video content coming soon.

Mistakes, European Fulfillment, Wooden Boxes, and Learning the Ropes
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Jun 04, 2022 at 09:41:56 PM

Update Mistake

TLDR @ The Bottom

First, let's address the mistake. In our update on April 29th, we made a mistake in communicating what was actually happening. We typed the following in an update:

 " US and Rest of the World - Fulfillment for Cult of the Deep will start the week of June 6th.  That means you will likely see notices for tracking numbers towards the end of the week (today or Saturday). "

What we meant to say was, fulfillment for US and Rest of the World will start the week of June 6th. This is still the case. Fulfillment will start this upcoming Monday.  

As far as tracking numbers, we meant to type that we should be getting those the Friday/Saturday before fulfillment, June 3rd or 4th. We apologize for the mistake of saying it was that day or Saturday.  Chalk it up to tiredness when writing the update or my lack of writing skills.  It was our mistake, and we apologize. 

We have had several backers reach out to us and we have replied to them. We believe that some backers have not received their answer via email due to spam blockers, etc.  Please, when emailing us, check your spam folder as we have found that sometimes the domain is thought to be spam. 

Tracking Numbers

We were of the impression that we would receive tracking numbers before items were sent out.  This is not the case. We are trying to track down what the industry norm is here and what we should be expecting. So, in short, we are not able to provide tracking numbers this upcoming weekend, but we will get those to you once we have them. We have been reassured that fulfillment will begin Monday, June 6th for the US and Rest of the World.

EU and UK Fulfillment - Mainland Europe is currently being fulfilled and should have its remaining packages sent on their way by the end of tomorrow. 

Backers in the UK - Your games are on their way to the UK fulfillment center and should be sent out from there in short order. Once we get word, we will update you. I would expect fulfillment in the next few weeks.

US and Rest of the World - Fulfillment is still on schedule for the week of June 6th. 

Wooden Boxes

Wooden Boxes - Wooden boxes will happen! WOO-HOO! (See UPDATE) We currently have 10 preorders, which will be enough to move ahead planning on production. Right now, boxes will be $115. If we can get a total of 25 orders, we can get a bulk discount and lower the price to $102. You have until June 14th to get your orders in. We will place an order for the boxes the following day, June 15th. Production is estimated to be done 2 - 4 weeks after the order is confirmed. They will promptly ship after that. We will add shipping to the order around June 15th and will charge the cards shortly thereafter. 

Learning The Ropes

Freight, Fulfillment, Shipping, and Tracking - For us, this has been the most difficult part of the Kickstarter and we appreciate the patience all of you have given us.  We have learned many things from this process so far and already identified areas we need a greater understanding of how processes work. We have discovered some of these processes work differently than originally thought. Just know that as soon as we get any updates on fulfillment and tracking, we are pushing those to you.

TLDR - Europe is fulfilling now and UK within a week or so. US is still on schedule to start fulfilling June 6th. Wooden boxes will happen (link here). Thank you for your support.


Wooden Boxes
almost 2 years ago – Thu, May 26, 2022 at 04:54:04 PM

 Wooden Boxes 

(TLDR: Bottom)

Several backers have contacted us directly or in the comments asking about the possibility of getting the wooden boxes that have shipped to Herald backers. We can't offer the same box (it is meant to hold all the custom dice as well as all accessories). However, we talked with the producer of the boxes and it is possible to offer a similar box. 

We will be offering a box that is slightly smaller (12" x12" x3.5" vs 12" x12" x4.5" - interior measurements). The box is made of Mahogony and will have Cult of the Deep laser etched on the lid. It won't be as deep, will only be one layer, but will hold all components and accessories. 

We are going to do our best to keep prices down and depending on how many orders we get we can lower the price.  Below you will find the price, estimated shipping, reference pictures and finally how to order. So spread the word to your fellow backers, we need at least 10 to produce the boxes. The more we can get made however, the more we can pass the savings on.

Total boxes produced                Price

10-24 Boxes                                     $115 per box

25 - 49 Boxes                                  $102 per box

50 +                                                   $ 90 per box

****Shipping ~ we expect roughly $30 dollars domestically here in the US. This may get cheaper depending on where you live and we will charge exact shipping to try and keep cost done. If you are outside the US we can get an estimate of what that price would look like, just e-mail [email protected]


Play Life Trackers is a mislabeling for Ritual Boards from the Manufacturer
Wooden Box (Herald of the Deep Box Pictured, Box will be slightly smaller)
Layout of finished box, Dice will be under the playmat. Once again box won't be as deep.

How To Order

To order the game go to the link below. 

Preorder Cult of the Deep on BackerKit

I have set it up so the goal is 10, that is the minimum order required to make this happen.  Current price is $115 and that will be altered as we hit more orders. The plan is to take orders until around the 13th of June (end of Origins). You will not be charged until June 14th and only if goals are met.

Keep in mind, this means the box will not be shipped the same time as your game, and will arrive several weeks after we stop taking orders. We are currently waiting on the manufacturer to give us a rough timeline of what to expect once we hit the go button.  

Any questions we didn't answer feel free to ask in the comments or email [email protected].

TLDR: order wooden boxes below, more people means better price, fits everything you could have ordered. Won't charge until June 14th and only if goals are met.

Preorder Cult of the Deep on BackerKit

European Shipment Update
almost 2 years ago – Mon, May 23, 2022 at 10:47:14 PM

Just a quick update...

Europe - Cult of the Deep has arrived at the port in Spain and is now working its way to the fulfillment center in France. We will have more information in the next few weeks, but we are forecasting fulfillment to take place the week of June 13th.

U.S. and Rest of the World - You are still looking at fulfillment to start the week of June 6th.

Until next time,

Sam Stockton

Heralds of the Deep, We Summon Thee! Wooden Boxes and Hand-made Dice are Shipping!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, May 11, 2022 at 11:40:59 PM

This update is for the Herald of the Deep Backers. 

By the end of the week, we will be shipping out the Wooden Box and the Hand-made Resin Dice.  We wanted to do this a little closer to the fulfillment of the actual game but due to the timing of Origins Game Fair preparation and travel, this will make sure you have your complete pledge sooner rather than later. 

That being said, if you are a Herald of the Deep backer and this does not work for you, please contact me ([email protected]) and we can work out what is best for you.

Below are some pictures of the completed Herald of the Deep Pledge. 

**Note:  Just the wooden box and hand-made dice are shipping this week, the rest of your pledge will start fulfilling the week of June 6th with all other backers.

The Wooden Game Box
Opened box, Rulebook, and Dice Tray

Overhead View of Top Layer
Removing the Top Layer
Bottom Layer - Play mat, Sleeved Cards, Bags of Tokens/Coins, Acrylic Tokens, and Altar Boards under the Bags
Top Layer, Close up #1
Top Layer, Close up # 2
Top Layer, Close up #3

Top Layer, Close up #4