4-8 player hidden role dice game where you are a cultist, establishing your faction's rise to power. Fight over rituals and mythical monsters as you seek victory and control of the cult.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Fulfillment Dates, Origins, Cost Real Talk, May 4th Deadline, and New Video
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 12:11:23 AM
Fulfillment Dates
We have been in constant contact with our fulfillment company, and we now have a battle plan.
US and Rest of the World - Fulfillment for Cult of the Deep will start the week of June 6th. That means you will likely see notices for tracking numbers towards the end of the week (today or Saturday).
Europe - Your shipment is still on the water on its way to the port. We will have more information soon, but we are still looking at June fulfillment. We have been in contact with our fulfillment company for Europe and they are ready for it.
Australia - How's the game? Have you had a chance to play it yet? If you have, please ask us for any rules clarifications or questions you may have. You can ask them here or on our BGG page: Cult of the Deep | Board Game | BoardGameGeek Also, feel free to give us a rating and your thoughts on the game.
Origins in Columbus, Ohio - June 8th - 12th
We will be at Origins this year in full force. We would love to meet you, talk to you, and say thank you. You will notice that fulfillment for Cult of the Deep will be happening at the same time as Origins. We would have greatly preferred to have the game to you before Origins. However, the logistics and shipping systems are crazy right now. (More information below). We have been promised that they will start fulfilling the week of June 6th.
What does this mean?
In order to help pay all of the costs to attend Origins, the increased freight cost, and to help push Cult of the Deep into the world at large, we will have a limited amount of Cult of the Deep available to purchase at Origins. We hope you will understand, and we have a discussion about some of the challenges we faced that we will explain below.
If you are going to Origins, I mean 100% going to Origins, and you would like to pick up your pledge there, we can make that happen. We will reserve your pledge that weekend and you can stop by any time before the show ends on Sunday to pick up your game. We need to know though by May 4th. That is in 5 days. You can shoot us a message on Kickstarter, post on this update, or email [email protected].
We look forward to seeing you there.
Cost Real Talk
This is a subject we have alluded to for a bit now, but we are going to share with you some numbers. This is something we have debated about doing as we weren't sure if this was something people as a whole wanted to hear about. People have mentioned to us wanting to know more, so here it is.
Production Cost Increase
We are not going into too many specifics on this one but the cost of Cult of the Deep from when we quoted the game to actually producing it rose by quite a bit. It ended up being an increase of about 33%. If you produce 2,000 or 4,000 copies, that cost adds up very quickly and it ended up costing us quite a bit more.
Freight Cost Increase
This is where you keep hearing freight is out of control, crazy, etc. Here is a comparison of the difference between June 2021 vs January 2022 for Cult of the Deep. Freight being defined as "goods being shipped in bulk by truck, ship, plane, or train."
June 2021 vsJanuary 2022- Freight CostFinal Numbers
$3,595 USDvs$23,330 USD
Yes, freight changed that much. Talking to people in the industry, this shift was unprecedented and hasn't been this bad in recent memory.
VAT Costs Change
We are currently in the midst of finalizing these numbers but because of how VAT works from when the campaign was originally launched, this has seen a significant increase.
Shipping Cost Increase
Shipping has seen less of an increase versus what has been seen in freight but there has been a larger increase than what was expected. We don't have final numbers but add that on top of VAT, Production, and Freight.
Total Cost Increase
With all of the costs combined, we are looking at an estimated increase of anywhere from $27,000 USD to $33,000 USD.
Now to answer a few questions.
Are you going to charge the backers anything in order to make up the difference in costs? No. We see our campaign as a social agreement built on trust. We are NOT charging backers anything extra than what was originally agreed upon.
What about the creation of an expansion to help offset the costs? We looked into this thoroughly. We priced everything out and what the schedule would be to create something. We could have done it, but it would have postponed fulfillment by at least 3 months. Also, in order to not only offset costs but really help pay for the increased costs, we would have had to sell 1000s of expansions.
Will I have my game delivered the week of June 6th in the US? The fulfillment process will start that week and some people will get their games fairly quickly due to their proximity to the fulfillment center. However, it will depend on when your pledge is fulfilled out of all the orders being packed and where you live.
I can pick up my pledge at Origins, right? Yes, you can as long as you tell us by May 4th that you are going to do that. We will have it set aside waiting for you at the convention but we have to know you are coming.
Will this be your final game? Hell no.
How can I help B.A. Games?
If you would like to help out, here are a few suggestions:
1)Go to the pledge manager and add a tip. That money goes directly to us, and any amount would be appreciated. Here is the log-in link for the pledge manager: Preorder Cult of the Deep on BackerKit. It's a strange set-up but if you want to tip say $40, you will need to do 2 quantities of $20. It will make more sense once you see it.
2)Go to our website and buy some sweet art prints or canvases. It's some of the stunning artwork Liam Peters did for Cult of the Deep. You get some amazing art for your game room, and you help us recover some of our costs. Shop - BA Games (bagamesco.com)
3)Join our email list. We are proud of what Cult of the Deep has done and the quality standard it represents. We hope you'll stay in contact with us via our newsletter as we announce future conventions and projects. You can sign-up at https://bagamesco.com .
4)Share this video with your friends, family, and local game stores.
Until next time my fellow cultists...
-Sam Stockton
Progress and Waiting
over 2 years ago
– Mon, Apr 18, 2022 at 06:49:05 PM
Hello Fellow Cultists!
Europe - Your shipment has been confirmed to have been loaded onto its ship. We will be given a more comprehensive schedule soon once the shipment is closer to Europe.
US and Rest of the World - The pallets have been confirmed as being received at the fulfillment center. We are working with our logistics partner on what the schedule will be to fulfill Cult of the Deep.
Australia - How is the game? What do you think? If you would like to leave any feedback, rate the game, or have any questions, feel free to go to our Board Game Geek Page:
So, this is something we have been seeing since the ports are getting better at moving product out. Many of the logistics and fulfillment companies are seeing backlogs as games that were originally supposed to be fulfilled in February are now being fulfilled in April and May. Well, what does that do to the game that was supposed to be fulfilled in April or May? They get pushed back until the games in the queue in front of them have been fulfilled.
We have offered to send myself and a few others to come in for a week and pack your pledges ourselves to help out. However, due to legal liability in the warehouses and other legal issues, we are not allowed to do so.
We are currently working with them to find a solution to make sure we don't get caught too far in the backlog. More information coming soon.
Final Thoughts
We will continue to keep you updated as we are in this final stretch to get your pledges to you. Thank you for your patience and we look forward to hearing from you once you get the game.
Until next time, an image to try and hold you over...
Sam Stockton
Something Wicked Has Arrived...
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Apr 07, 2022 at 08:19:36 PM
Australia Has Fallen to The Deep
Australia and its neighbors have been fulfilled. If you live in Australia and you haven't gotten your pledge yet, let us know ASAP.
For those who have gotten your games, how is it? What do you think? If you would like to leave any feedback, rate the game, or have any questions, feel free to go to our Board Game Geek Page:
Cult of the Deep is arriving as we speak to our fulfillment center in the United States!
So, grab your robes and your candles, it's time to perform the ritual of summoning.
We will have more information for you later next week on what the fulfillment schedule will look like so stand by.
Europe Update
Unfortunately, the European shipment will lag behind US Fulfillment. The shipment is confirmed and is being processed so it can be loaded. Once we have confirmation that the ship has been loaded and has set sail, we will give you a better timeline. We are still currently looking at the month of June.
We will keep you posted.
Looking For New Cultists
In order to help promote the release of Cult of the Deep, we will be attending the Origins Game Fair in Ohio from June 8-12 as well as Gencon Indy from August 4-7. If you are interested in helping us run games, run demos, or spread the good word at these conventions, let me know. We are looking for a few good volunteers and we would love to have you.
Behold, Heralds of The Deep
This was a pledge that ended up being way more popular than what we had anticipated. We had sold out of the first 2 pledges within 15 minutes of the Kickstarter campaign. When we opened up 2 more, they sold within 30 minutes of going live. We unfortunately couldn't make more due to the handcrafted nature of the components. That being said, let's take a sneak peek at what is coming.
Next week, we'll get you some glamour shots of the handmade dice from Dawnbreaker Dice. Each character in the game will have their own set of dice to match their style.
You will need to note that the Herald pledges will come in two different shipments. One will have the game and the deluxe items like the metal coins, acrylic tokens, etc. The other will have this glorious box as well as the handmade dice.
Help With Rising Costs
If you have been following our updates, we shared with you how ocean freight alone was $10,000 more than what was quoted since the Kickstarter. This doesn't even take in the extra consideration for the rise of shipping costs. However, we feel like a deal is a deal when we Kickstarted this game.
As such, there will be NO additional costs or charges besides that which was already charged in the pledge manager. You will receive what you paid for with no extra costs or purposefullydelayed fulfillment.
(Optional)If you would like to help out with the rising costs though, here are a few suggestions:
1) Go to the pledge manager and add a tip. That money goes directly to us, and any amount would be appreciated. Here is the log-in link for the pledge manager: Preorder Cult of the Deep on BackerKit. It's a strange set-up but if you want to tip say $40, you will need to do 2 quantities of $20. It will make more sense once you see it.
2) Go to our website and buy some sweet art prints or canvases! It's some of the stunning artwork Liam Peters did for Cult of the Deep. You get some amazing art for your game room, and you help us recover some of the shipping costs. Shop - BA Games (bagamesco.com)
3) Talk to your LGS (Local Game Store) and let them know about Cult of the Deep. Distribution is already taking pre-orders. We have a flyer to send them down below. Note, orders from distribution will be shipped out AFTER all orders for backers have been shipped. There are a few retailers who are backers so their pledges will go out on time with the other pledges.
4) Share with your friends, social media groups, and favorite content creators that something is rising from the Deep! Cult of the Deep is still available for pre-orders for a few weeks and it will be coming soon. See flyer below and share everywhere.
Thank You
We want to thank those who have already ordered awesome art prints or donated to help support us. Thank you. It really shows the world how awesome the Kickstarter and Board Game Community can be.
Until next time...
Sam Stockton
Locking Addresses and Updates
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 04:35:24 AM
Shipping Updates
Australia - Your games should be delivered or delivering very soon. We have had word from multiple backers that they have received it. Thank you for your patience and enjoy!
We'll be monitoring that page as well as checking here, our Discord, and Facebook group.
Europe - So, there has been a COVID lockdown in the area of China where our European shipment is waiting. So, it has not been loaded yet. We will keep you updated and are working with our partners to get it out of there as fast as possible.
Much of the paperwork is done, we just need to get it to Europe. We will keep you posted.
US, Canada, Rest of the World - We are in progress of getting the game out of the port in the U.S. and onto a truck to take to the fulfillment center. We will keep you posted.
Locking Addresses Reminder
As a reminder, we just sent out some emails to those who haven't locked addresses yet. These will be locked within 48 hours. After that, you will have to contact us directly in order to make changes. However, to make sure you get your games as quickly and accurately, lock in your addresses as soon as possible.
Help With Rising Costs
If you have been following our updates, we shared with you how ocean freight alone was $10,000 more than what was quoted since the Kickstarter. This doesn't even take in the extra consideration for the rise of shipping costs. However, we feel like a deal is a deal when we Kickstarted this game.
As such, there will be NO additional costs or charges besides that which was already charged in the pledge manager. You will receive what you paid for with no extra costs or purposefullydelayed fulfillment.
(Optional)If you would like to help out with the rising costs though, here are a few suggestions:
1) Go to the pledge manager and add a tip. That money goes directly to us, and any amount would be appreciated. Here is the log-in link for the pledge manager: Preorder Cult of the Deep on BackerKit. It's a strange set-up but if you want to tip say $40, you will need to do 2 quantities of $20. It will make more sense once you see it.
2) Go to our website and buy some sweet art prints or canvases! It's some of the stunning artwork Liam Peters did for Cult of the Deep. You get some amazing art for your game room, and you help us recover some of the shipping costs. Shop - BA Games (bagamesco.com)
3) Talk to your LGS (Local Game Store) and let them know about Cult of the Deep. Distribution is already taking pre-orders. We have a flyer to send them down below. Note, orders from distribution will be shipped out AFTER all orders for backers have been shipped. There are a few retailers who are backers so their pledges will go out on time with the other pledges.
4) Share with your friends, social media groups, and favorite content creators that something is rising from the Deep! Cult of the Deep is still available for pre-orders for a few weeks and it will be coming soon. See flyer below and share everywhere.
Thank You
We want to thank those who have already ordered awesome art prints or donated to help support us. Thank you. It really shows the world how awesome the Kickstarter and Board Game Community can be.
Until next time...
Sam Stockton
Fulfillment Australia & New Zealand Begins!
over 2 years ago
– Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 07:11:57 AM
Fulfillment Australia & New Zealand Begins!
This is going to be a brief update. See below for an update on the three waves.
Australia/New Zealand – Finally got word that fulfillment will begin this week for backers in this region. Please be on the lookout for any e-mails and communication from us or our fulfillment partner. That being said, best way to get a hold of us is to email us directly. See below for e-mails.
Europe – Word from our fulfillment partner there is that it will be picked up this week to be packed in a big metal container and then sent on its way soon thereafter. Once it is picked up, we will drop a quick update.
Canada, United States, and everyone else – Well, we made some progress. The container has been unloaded. Said container is somewhere at the port. Still don’t have a good timeline for transportation to the fulfillment center. Once we get an update and timeline, we will let you all know.
Once again, we would like to thank everyone for all the support, help and most importantly patience. You all have made this possible.
Herald of the Deep Pledges - All of the custom hand cast resin Dice are complete. This is a major step for your pledge level. The Dice are gorgeous. There are some pictures of some of the dice on Dawnbreaker DIce facebook page. You might have to scroll around to find them but enjoy all of their custom dice goodness as you search for some of the dice. (Two examples below)
This brings us to the last thing that is being done for your pledges. You will each get a custom wood box that will hold everything from your pledge. We are in the design process now with a company and since there will only be making a box for each Herald, the actual production time will not be too long. Hoping to have something to show you all soon on the box front. They will be done and shipped right before or at the same time as the rest of your pledge.
Everyone - Once again thank you for your support, help, and patience You all make this possible. Please read below if you are looking for other ways to help. This is anything from monetary donation to just spreading the word to your friendly local game store or friends.
Help With Rising Costs
If you have been following our updates, we shared with you how ocean freight alone was $10,000 more than what was quoted since the Kickstarter. This doesn't even take in the extra consideration for the rise of shipping costs. However, we feel like a deal is a deal when we Kickstarted this game.
As such, there will be NO additional costs or charges besides that which was already charged in the pledge manager. You will receive what you paid for with no extra costs or purposefullydelayed fulfillment.
(Optional)If you would like to help out with the rising costs though, here are a few suggestions:
1) Go to the pledge manager and add a tip. That money goes directly to us, and any amount would be appreciated. Here is the log-in link for the pledge manager: Preorder Cult of the Deep on BackerKit. It's a strange set-up but if you want to tip say $40, you will need to do 2 quantities of $20. It will make more sense once you see it.
2) Go to our website and buy some sweet art prints or canvases! It's some of the stunning artwork Liam Peters did for Cult of the Deep. You get some amazing art for your game room, and you help us recover some of the shipping costs. Shop - BA Games (bagamesco.com)
3) Talk to your LGS (Local Game Store) and let them know about Cult of the Deep. Distribution is already taking pre-orders. We have a flyer to send them down below. Note, orders from distribution will be shipped out AFTER all orders for backers have been shipped. There are a few retailers who are backers so their pledges will go out on time with the other pledges.
4) Share with your friends, social media groups, and favorite content creators that something is rising from the Deep! Cult of the Deep is still available for pre-orders for a few weeks and it will be coming soon. See flyer below and share everywhere.
Thank You
We want to thank those who have already ordered awesome art prints or donated to help support us. Thank you. It really shows the world how awesome the Kickstarter and Board Game Community can be.